Gallwch adael y wefan hon yn gyflym drwy wasgu’r fysell Escape Allanfa Gyflym
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i’n gwefan weithio. Hoffem osod cwcis ychwanegol fel y gallwn gofio eich dewisiadau a deall sut rydych yn defnyddio ein gwefan.
Gallwch reoli eich dewisiadau a gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd drwy glicio ar “Addasu cwcis” isod. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn defnyddio cwcis, gweler ein Hysbysiad cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, roedd problem dechnegol. Rhowch gynnig arall arni.
Diolch am roi cynnig ar fersiwn 'beta' ein gwefan newydd. Mae'n waith ar y gweill, byddwn yn ychwanegu gwasanaethau newydd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, felly cymerwch gip a gadewch i ni wybod beth yw eich barn chi.
We’ve been visiting schools to talk about responsible behaviour and our shared responsibility to be considerate towards those who may not enjoy what the season brings.
Officers are patrolling throughout the week and will continue to address any reports of people acting anti-socially.
There’s been plenty of preventative work taking place also, with our neighbourhood officers teaming up with volunteer police cadets and Trading Standards partners this week to carry out a responsible sales operation in Cwmbran town centre.
The partnership initiative involved our young cadets going ‘under cover’ as they entered shops across the town to attempt to buy age-restricted items like knives, fireworks and alcohol.
Sgt Phill Jones said:
“This week’s operation saw us work with Trading Standards and local stores to ensure dangerous items aren’t being sold inappropriately to underage people.
“Across the day, we visited 14 stores, and I’m pleased to say no age-restricted items were sold and age checks were carried out by all retailers.
“Carrying out these checks with partners is important in protecting people and ensuring items like fireworks and knives aren’t being sold to underage people and potentially putting others at risk.
“Over the Halloween season, we work with partners, including South Wales Fire and Rescue Service, to increase safety. Part of this includes raising awareness of the dangers of the inappropriate use of fireworks, so these checks further strengthen this work.”