Gallwch adael y wefan hon yn gyflym drwy wasgu’r fysell Escape Allanfa Gyflym
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i’n gwefan weithio. Hoffem osod cwcis ychwanegol fel y gallwn gofio eich dewisiadau a deall sut rydych yn defnyddio ein gwefan.
Gallwch reoli eich dewisiadau a gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd drwy glicio ar “Addasu cwcis” isod. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn defnyddio cwcis, gweler ein Hysbysiad cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, roedd problem dechnegol. Rhowch gynnig arall arni.
Diolch am roi cynnig ar fersiwn 'beta' ein gwefan newydd. Mae'n waith ar y gweill, byddwn yn ychwanegu gwasanaethau newydd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, felly cymerwch gip a gadewch i ni wybod beth yw eich barn chi.
- Has the police force partnered with Ring, Amazon’s camera system?
- Was the police force or were any officers provided with free and/or discounted Ring devices in 2021 (up to and including June 30th)? If so, how many of these were distributed to members of the public?
- How many requests for videos were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2021 (up to and including June 30th)?
- How many requests for customer data and other information were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2021 (up to and including June 30th)?
- How many requests resulted in full or partial provision/disclosure in 2021 (up to and including June 30th)?
- If possible, can you also provide a list and percentages of the types of cases the requests were related to in 2021 (up to and including June 30th)?
- Was the police force or were any officers provided with free and/or discounted Ring devices in 2020? If so, how many of these were distributed to members of the public?
- How many requests for videos were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2020?
- How many requests for customer data and other information were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2020?
- How many requests resulted in full or partial provision/disclosure in 2020?
If possible, can you also provide a list and percentages of the types of cases the requests were related to in 2020?
- Was the police force or were any officers provided with free and/or discounted Ring devices in 2019? If so, how many of these were distributed to members of the public?
- How many requests for videos were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2019?
- How many requests for customer data and other information were sent by the police force to/via Ring in 2019?
- How many requests resulted in full or partial provision/disclosure in 2019?
If possible, can you also provide a list and percentages of the types of cases the requests were related to in 2019?
Please provide the information in the form of a spreadsheet.