Gallwch adael y wefan hon yn gyflym drwy wasgu’r fysell Escape Allanfa Gyflym
Rydym yn defnyddio rhai cwcis hanfodol i wneud i’n gwefan weithio. Hoffem osod cwcis ychwanegol fel y gallwn gofio eich dewisiadau a deall sut rydych yn defnyddio ein gwefan.
Gallwch reoli eich dewisiadau a gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd drwy glicio ar “Addasu cwcis” isod. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn defnyddio cwcis, gweler ein Hysbysiad cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae eich dewisiadau cwcis wedi’u cadw. Gallwch ddiweddaru eich gosodiadau cwcis unrhyw bryd ar y dudalen cwcis.
Mae’n ddrwg gennym, roedd problem dechnegol. Rhowch gynnig arall arni.
Diolch am roi cynnig ar fersiwn 'beta' ein gwefan newydd. Mae'n waith ar y gweill, byddwn yn ychwanegu gwasanaethau newydd dros yr wythnosau nesaf, felly cymerwch gip a gadewch i ni wybod beth yw eich barn chi.
1) Between 01/01/22 and 31/05/22, how many police staff were accepted onto your force without a face-to-face interview at any stage of the application process?
Please can you break down Q1 into the types of roles/seniority of the roles which the candidates applied for and were accepted for.
By police staff, I mean PCs, sergeants, inspectors etc, as well as other roles such as fingerprint officers, CIOs, police intelligence, crime analysts etc (please specify these different roles in your answer).
1a) Can you tell me what alternative recruitment methods (i.e. online assessments, questionnaire evaluation, social media tests) were deployed instead of face-to-face procedures?
I am aware that many forces vet candidates through both online and in person interviews - but some do not, and others also seemingly do not when recruiting for certain positions.
2) If your force did have some face-to-face vetting (i.e. physical test, uniform fitting etc), can you please tell me what parts of the recruitment process had face-to-face evaluations, and which parts did not?
2a) Can you tell me how many police staff were recruited from Q2 between 01/01/22 and 31/07/22, and again, break this down into the types of roles/seniority of the roles which the candidates applied for and were accepted for.
For Q1 I referred to the time period between 01/01/22 and 31/05/22 and Q2a I referred to 01/01/22 and 31/07/22. I want to clarify that I want all the information for the period between 01/01/22 and 31/07/22.